Agency details
Name: SpainLady
Phone: (+34) 612-253-086 Tell her you saw her in Escorts Highclass, thanks!
City: Barcelona
Phone: (+34) 608-864-696 Tell her you saw her in Escorts Highclass, thanks!
Country of origin: SpainFlag of Spain
Languages: Spanish, English
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Age: 25
Height: 158 cm (5'2")
Weight: 48 kg (106 lbs)
1 hour250 €
Services: striptease, massage, oral without condom, cum in mouth, couples
Schedule: at all times
Places: incall, outcall to hotels & apartments
Payments: cash, credit card
Picture of Escort girl Daisy
Picture of Escort girl Daisy
Picture of Escort girl Daisy
Picture of Escort girl Daisy
Picture of Escort girl Daisy
Picture of Escort girl Daisy
Picture of Escort girl Daisy
Picture of Escort girl Daisy
Picture of Escort girl Daisy