Agency details
Name: SpainLady
Phone: (+34) 612-253-086 Tell her you saw her in Escorts Highclass, thanks!
City: Barcelona
Phone: (+34) 608-864-696 Tell her you saw her in Escorts Highclass, thanks!
Country of origin: ColombiaFlag of Colombia
Languages: Spanish, English
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
Age: 28
Height: 163 cm (5'4")
Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)
Measurements: 90-60-90 (35-24-35")
1 hour200 €
Services: oral without condom, anal, threesome, couples
Schedule: at all times
Places: incall, outcall to hotels & apartments
Payments: cash
Picture of Escort girl Andrea
Picture of Escort girl Andrea
Picture of Escort girl Andrea
Picture of Escort girl Andrea
Picture of Escort girl Andrea